So, here's the deal, I've known this Lady since we were babies. Her daughter and mine are great playmates. After writing "Why People Cheat", she contacted me telling me that, I hadn't covered the whole story. Here's the other side:
My friend who runs this Blog had asked me a few weeks ago to write 'From a Cheaters Point of View' , and with life and a 9 month old and one of the most complicated relationships I've ever (sorta) been in , it's taken me longer than expected to get this done. So here goes everything .
So first off I am a cheater , I was a cheater , I have cheated , I am a horrible person . Just to get all you judge a$$holes off my back from the start . I know what I did was wrong . But everyone comes down to 2 basic conclusions , either the cheater is no longer happy/in love with their significant other OR we are all just a bunch of heartless assholes . Now I'm not saying what I did is right but neither is what happened to me to make me to person .. This cheater I guess . After reading what my friend had posted on her blog I was a bit steamed and went to her to try and explain that there are always more reasons .. The message I sent her went a little like is .
"But there's something you need to add to the cheating blog . There's a third reason . A person who is so insecure with themselves, and constantly put down might reach out to multiple partners to try and feel something .. Anything. Trying to find something they lost in themselves and filling the void that was left by something they just can't explain"
I'm 21 almost 22 years old and the hurt and he'll I have been through in my life is more than any 1 person should have to go through . I have slept with more men than my age , I have been cheated on by over half of those men , I was engaged at 19 and single again before I hit 20 .. I've been in and out of relationships since I was 13 , parents divorced when I was 9 and I strived for attention , almost killed myself for it with the booze and drugs . My last resort to get my father and family's attention was to sleep with people . After a lifetime of abandonment I took whatever attention I could get and I won't lie it felt good.
After being cheated on the amount I had been between the ages of 13-16 I decided to test the waters on the other side , must have been amazing to hurt people , seemed like it happened to me all the time . First time I ever cheated , I was liberated , for all of 30 minutes before I called my boyfriend and told him I had slept with his brother ......... It haunted me after that . Couldn't shake it , but I kept cheating on him with his brother because for that 30 minutes after , I was flying high . Queen shit of Turd island .
Then I met an amazing man . His name is Jacob Drew , and for the next two years he changed my world , made me into a better person , a stronger person . I loved him deeper than anything and more passionately than i thought possible . For those two years he was my one and only . We fought like it was going out of style and the only times we every agreed on anything was when he had my feet above my head .. But I never cheated I was faithful for what seemed like the first time in a long time . But we were volatile and knew we would never work out , we 'loved' each other out of pure hatred .
After Jacob , there was Blake Milner .. He was my 'first love' (or atleast I thought so) from when I was 14 , we got back together a month after my 19th birthday and 2 months after that we were engaged . I was faithful to him , after what Jacob had drilled into my head I was terrified to cheat . Come to find out from the night me and Blake got engaged until a few months later when I called it off he had been sexting every girl in his contact list and even had an account on Plenty of Fish .. I went back to being that hurt girl I was at 16 . Spiralled back into my old ways , from there my numbers sky rocketed . I seduced men to cheat on their girlfriends , lied to my family and friends about men I was hooking up with , I became everything I hated about Blake !
So I made a Plenty of Fish account , had to check it out and see what all the rage was , from this site I made friends nothing more until 6 months of being a single care free woman who lied and fucked her way through the pain , I met a man on this site , Allan Blanchard ,who was sweet , kind , funny , adorable in every sense of the word and we hit it off from the day we started talking . 16 hours after we met I was living with him .. We moved to fast , it spiralled out of control in the blink of an eye .. One day we were winning cutest couple in all our friends eyes , and the next I was a cheater again .. We were 2 months into our relationship when I was visiting my friend Justin Mackenzie , pouring my heart out to is guy I was infatuated with in every sense of the word . Ginger , glasses , tattoos , and a sweetheart to top it off and Lord of the Rings led to his bed , not only once but twice in the span of 3 weeks . I was happy in my relationship with Allan , I was in love with him . We were already talking about houses and marriage and kids , but we had only known each other for TWO MONTHS ! Shit .. We were nuts !
A month after I went back to my old cheating ways , I found out I was pregnant .............. Yeah
Allan crumpled to the floor and told me I had ruined his life after we got the results off the pee stick, so after that I ruined 4 lives .
- knowing my baby was Allan's
-knowing I had cheated
-knowing Allan wanted no part of this
-knowing Justin would accept it for what it was with minimal questions
I took advantage of the situation , a few weeks had passed since we found out about Baby Monster , I confessed to Allan that I had cheated , I told Justin the baby was his and made everyone believe my lies . So now ..
-my life is ruined because I'm an untrustworthy whore
-Allan's life is ruined because I cheated on him and lied to him about our Baby Monster
-Justin's life was ruined only for a little while , while I used him as a pawn in my scheme
-Baby Monsters life will never be the same because her parents will never trust nor get along with each other ever again.
I lied and I cheated , I made it damn clear at the beginning of this that I was a horrible person and if you haven't caught onto that by now you should go back up and read this again , but if you also didn't realize , I was made into this Monster you're judging by more people who have been through the same shit I have ! For those of you still reading , I pay for my lies and my cheating every day of my life , the world judges cheaters so harshly , but look at it from my point of view , step into my shoes , go through the shit I have in my life time and then come back to me and judge me cause I do it on the daily . There is never a moment I don't regret what I've done . Especially in the past year and a half , my Baby Monster will be 1 year old in April , and I fight EVERYDAY for the love and acceptance of her father , because I love that man more than words can describe . Me and Allan have not been together for a year and three months , but everyday he reminds me that I lost his trust , every time I look at Baby Monster she reminds me I ruined our family , and every time I see myself in the mirror I remind myself that the person who stands here today is NOT the person who stood here a year ago , people change , life happens and we move on . Don't judge a 'cheater' for what they HAVE done , accept them for who they are now !
This is the life story of a cheater , not some attention seeking pity party . If anyone has questions , judgements or feels the need to give me a piece of their mind , comments are more than welcome in the section below 👇
My name is Megan Marjorie Isabel Crosthwaite , and I've been damaged beyond repair and hurt more people than I like to admit , but I'm not the me I used to be .
Stay Strong Megan! Thanks for sharing :)
Here's to you!
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