Friday, 13 November 2015

Mom Spot- Introduction to a new blog

Hey Guys!
Been awhile!

I'm happy to say Elisabeth will be a big sister!
 I'm currently 35 weeks along with baby #2!! IT"S A GIRL! (No we haven't officiated a name yet so please don't ask.)

But it got me thinking... Maybe I should start a second blog centred around my journey through motherhood.
I mean I could add it to this one but part of me feels like that would get all messed up after awhile.
So why not right?
I had also intended to start a vlog, but until I get a serious technical upgrade I don't see it happening.

Truth is, I'm kind of nervous. I mean it has to be normal right? I'm having a baby after all. But, I've only ever been "Mom" to Elisabeth before. Now I have to learn all over again. I guess on the bright side I have some practice haha.

I will say that this pregnancy is easier then my first in the since that I'm not in pain all the time. God, that was awful! But that's over! Never happen again. I had my gallbladder out and I've felt great since.

My biggest concern is the night-time routine all over again. I mean sure, I knew what I was getting into.. I've been there before, I'm just hoping that only one child wakes up instead of both... Lord help me now...
That's exactly what I need. A 19 Month old who thinks it's time to get up and play and a newborn who just wants to eat and a dry diaper at the same time... They get use to it right?

I'll get use to it right?

I'm hoping that with things starting to get set up and going and with us planning on staying here awhile that I'll be able to actually write more often. I miss it. I miss you guys!
Guess we wil have to see... Stay Golden

Here's to You
Courtney :)

1 comment:

  1. So it's been awhile
    wondering if you have tonnes more to add to your blog, where being you is not only ok but encouraged. Come on....
