Friday, 16 January 2015

Choosing Roommates

We've all had them. Good ones, bad ones, the ones we never see but they pay the rent...
So how do we choose the one's that will work for us?

Here's a couple of tips to help you when it comes to making that all important decision

Tip 1:
Decide your deal breakers.
Let's say you sign onto a 12 month lease. You don't want to miserable the entire time you live together. Do you hate Nickleback and they love them? Are you a cat person and they own a dog?
Chances are they are not the roommate for you.

Tip 2.
Connect with potentials.
Now that you have both your ideal and not so ideal candidates in mind advertise. Ask everyone! Friends, family, hell, even your dentist, anyone who might also be looking. Post on social media. Craigslist, Kijiji, Facebook. whatever method you choose.

Tip 3.
Meet up with them!
Once you've found a couple people you think you'd be able to get along with, meet up with them. Grab a coffee or a quick lunch. 30mins can tell you alot about a person and if they're going to rub you the wrong way. First Impressions, remember?

Tip 4.
Be Financially Savvy.
Ask for a reference of employment. You don't want to be the one stuck paying all the bills, buying all the groceries etc. Because, well, then there would be no point in a roommate.
Be fair and offer the same to them. Let them know that you're not looking for a free ride either.

After that, it's up to you to make a choice.

Good Luck, Have Fun and let the Movie Marathons begin!
                                  Here's to You!

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