Sunday, 18 January 2015

Upcoming Facebook Fan Page (updated)

Hey there Readers.
I just wanted to let you know that I will be starting a new Facebook page entitled " Shit My Roommate Says."
You'll understand when it goes up.
It will be worth a read trust me.

Just so we have a little bit of a back story on this, Aaron, the roommate in question, is 17. He lost his father last Christmas to Cancer, and his step mother had no interest in keeping him so, he sort of Bounced around in Fredericton and Bass River where he worked on a beef farm. Recently, we took him in after his mother became an addict  and his cousin stole 1000$ from him... I'm not joking you can ask his case manager.
He wanted a place where he could go where he wouldn't have to worry about being screwed over, so he got a hold of us. You see, when His father passed last year, we had offered him a place to go, but his mother had already asked for him to live there. He was there 3 days before he realized that she has a problem.

Anyway, when he messaged us telling us of his problems we told him the offer still stands.
So now we have a 17 year old who utters the most random, funny and  sometimes crude things you have ever heard.

So after asking him if he would mind, I've been collecting little tidbits of randomness. So within the next few days, Shit my roommate says will  make it's debut on Facebook.

                                     Here's to You!

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