People equate cheating to a multitude of different factors. For example, I recently read a study that men are more likely to cheat because of high levels of testosterone, which accounts for the high sex drive and therefore high needs. People who are less likely to cheat will often do so because they find themselves in a situation where they no longer think about the impending consequences and act solely on hormones and lust.
people, men and woman alike cheat because of two things.
A.) They are no longer happy and or satisfied in their current relationship, and don't have the balls to tell the other person it's over
B.) They simply have no regard for any amount of loyalty and are complete assholes who will spend the rest of their lives kicking themselves in the ass because they fucked around on their dream girl and she peaced out... not that I can blame her... I would do the same. Fuck that cheaters will always be cheaters. Trust me, I know from experience
Trust me my Lovely Readers, you're worth more then that.
Here's to you!
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