Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Art of Pick Up Lines.

So we've all had it happen, sitting in a bar or hell, even a bus stop these days and someone will approach you and let loose the worst pick up line you've ever heard.
"So.. You're a girl huh?"
Yup. That's right. That my lovelies is the creativity of today's standard human being... sad isn't it?

So I'm going to help you. let's take a look at how to successfully create a pickup line so that the next time you drop the bomb on someone you may be a little less likely to wind up going home alone.

There are 3 steps to creating a pick up line:

STEP 1: Think of the object (or person) you want to compare the person to. For example, a sugar plum or someone famous. This means that unless you're ex is Channing Tatum or Miranda Kerr ( Victoria's Secret Angel) then you probably shouldn't start the conversation with;  "You look just like my ex..."

STEP 2: What's significant about the object or person you've chosen? Is the object sweet and well sought after? Does the person have nice legs? ( If this is your focus, then I would avoid "nice legs, when do they open?")

STEP 3: Twist it around a little bit. Play with the words before delivery. Say you chose a rose..  How about something like;

"If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world."

Smooth right? I'd melt.

Sure beats "Did you just fart? Cuz you Blew me away!"
Leave a comment with the worst pick up line you've ever heard.

                                 Here's to you!

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