Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Reasons marijuana should be leagalized

Alright, I'm at it again. Here's a hot topic: Marijuana Legalization 

Got some of you rolling your eyes right now, I get it, I really do. Same old song and dance...Oh here goes another Stoner ranting and raving about pot. Sure. assume that if you will, but the truth is, I advocate the legalization of pot as much as I do homosexual marriage. Here's what I don't understand: Why is something that has grown for the earth, causes no violence, and no fatalities illegal while things like cigarettes,( death toll at over 5 MILLION each year!  5 MILLION!!), Legal?  Hell smoking is so bad for you that companies are required by law to put those nasty looking pictures of peoples lungs and brains and eye and tongue to warn you about what you're doing to your body. Yet they're still legal!
Alcohol.. here's another peachy example of something that kills you and yet we still sell it legally. Our dear friend Alcohol. This shit kills 88,000 people every year in the USA alone. Can you believe that? That's ridiculous!!
I mean come on Bees kill more people every single year (53 deaths per year) then smoking a joint does.
Go ahead and ask me how many deaths Marijuana causes.. go ahead.  NONE!! Not a single one.
You have to smoke or consume the equivalent of your body mass to overdose on this stuff... YOUR ENTIRE MASS! Can you eat that many brownies? I sure as hell can't.

Alright, enough with the rant.. Marijuana is actually useful for a variety of things. It could supplement our needs to take huge amounts of coal on oil and destroy our atmosphere with the toxins they release when burned.
Need a few examples?

Clothing. That's right clothing. Hemp weaving's have been found and dated back to 8000BC. People found this plant and made clothes with it!

Paper. People have used this material to create those nice lined sheets of paper we all know as loose-leaf for as long as 2000 years!

Building supplies. For example Hempcrete...A stronger, lighter, more environmentally friendly version of concrete.

Beauty Products. You know that fantastic hand cream out on the market right now called Hemp....

Cancer Treatment. More recently Doctors have been prescribing Marijuana as a treatment for both pain and as a cancer treatment, with much success. Pain bothers the user significantly less and therefore they no longer have need for more addictive pills such as Perks or Oxycontin. ( Insert sarcasm here) I know IT's terrible to have less people on these highly addictive drugs. Patients with cancer have actually had tumors shrink because they were prescribed weed. Shrink!

Some studies suggest that people who use weed recreationaly actually have a lowered risk of getting cancers like throat and tongue cancer or lung cancer for that matter.

And yet, it's illegal... it doesn't cause rape or murder or violence because, face it, they're all to mellowed out and stoned to do anything but enjoy life watch tv and eat some chips. They're not hurting anyone! why are people so against pot smoker? That guy that just delivered your pizza.. probably hit a dart just before knocking on your door... and you tipped him didn't you. Cuz he was a nice guy with a hot and ready Pizza. Did he pull a knife on you? no. Rape you? no.
So leave the stoners be! let them do things their way and do things your way. it's not anyone else's business anyway.
                         Here's to you!

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